Hi! I was updating my family blog & hit next blog & came to yours. Your pictures are awesome! I don't normally do this, but have you heard of Heritage Makers? It's an online publishing company - I have 4 photographers on my team that use our products to create custom books/canvas portraits/etc..for their clients. If you are interested, let me know! My website is www.BindingHeritage.com or you can find my blog at www.goffsix.blogspot.com I look forward to talking to you! Christina Goff
Hi!We are Katy and Kelsey. We were both born and raised in Humboldt County. We are both new moms and we have discovered the need for reasonably priced family photography in this area. So we have decided to start a photography business concentrating on children and family portraits to give people lower priced options of professional portraits. Our images are natural light portraits. We will shoot at your home or will discuss other locations that fit your taste. We use a digital camera and we can enhance or crop your photos. We work as a team, so at each job we will both have a camera so we can get fantastic shots from different angles. This will include a disc with your images on it that you can take to the developing shop of your choice. This allows you to pick how many you'd like and what size. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to us at serendipitysnapshots@yahoo.com or call 707-616-1072. Thank you for your interest and we hope to work with you soon.
1 comment:
Hi! I was updating my family blog & hit next blog & came to yours. Your pictures are awesome! I don't normally do this, but have you heard of Heritage Makers? It's an online publishing company - I have 4 photographers on my team that use our products to create custom books/canvas portraits/etc..for their clients. If you are interested, let me know! My website is www.BindingHeritage.com or you can find my blog at www.goffsix.blogspot.com
I look forward to talking to you!
Christina Goff
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